Sunday 23 June 2013

Hour 18 - Worlds Fastest Welder

Safety car has provided us ample opportunity to discuss the 'correct' size of a bowl of cereal and more time for Pete to continue to be bitter about Rich drinking his tea. It's all go here.

While we wait we're treated to another instalment of Worlds Fastest Welder after Belicchi's head-on shunt into the armco. Not expecting to see the Lola Coupe back ontrack now, good news for the Strakka outfit.

We're pretty impressed by the Vipers remaining in the race. They continue to trundle round, all be it considerably off the pace though finishing was the goal for them so success for them so far. Only one retirement in GTPro so far.

Blinds are open, lights are off and the coffee pot is on in an attempt to trick our bodies into thinking it's an average morning but it doesn't seem to be working.

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