Saturday 22 June 2013

Hour 7 - Darkness begins to fall

and it's all go at the front. Some very interesting developments in LMP1. Things are not looking rosey at Audi and Toyota can no doubt smell blood in the water.

First we have the botched pitexit but the #1 Audi in the hands of Treluyer that looked at first like a stall but when it halted again and required a possible push start alarm bells started to ring on the Audi pitwall and the RadioLeMans commentary box. Next we had the tyre delamination from the #3 that must be worrying the people are Michelin but the real drama comes are the #1 gets wheeled back into the garage and the engine covers come off. Things are looking very fluid at the top as #2 Audi takes the lead over #8 and #7 Toyotas in 2nd and 3rd. Audi might have the straight pace but this race is far from over and Toyotas hopes of podium positions must be reignited after this hour.

Strakka are also holding on to split the Rebellions even while nursing an water pressure issue, they've been pushing this hour, regularly lapping ~1sec off their fastest to put down a marker to their friends in black and gold.

GTPro is staying very tight between Aston Martin and Porsche, AF Corse and Corvette Racing cars keeping with the pace now but are rather far behind now. 17 hours, as Audi have just proven in spectacular fashion, is enough time for just about anything to happen and if those 4 cars can catch up to the lead pack then we will have a titanic battle on out hands.

Rain forecast in the next hour or two. This will get interesting as the light fades. 

In more important news, the KFC has arrived.

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